My Journey
I knew I would be working in education, probably as a teacher, from the age of 3 after starting nursery. I took a slightly different route to most though, having a year in the USA as part of my four year BA, taking a year out to work full time in different roles before doing my PGCE (where I ‘specialised’ in EYFS so my PGCE is for 3-11year olds).
After teaching for three very fulfilling years in Bishops Stortford I up sticks and moved to Sheffield. In the school there I became the Safeguarding lead (then called the Child Protection Lead Teacher) after the head said, ‘you’re good at talking to people….’ I then also became the SENCO, and doing these two roles I really felt I had found my calling. Education was so much more than the lessons in the classroom!
From this dual role I joined senior leadership as a deputy head (maintaining the SENCO and DSL roles) in Barnsley, and then a deputy head role which led to headship in Oldham. I now had come to the realisation of what really mattered to me (staff wellbeing) which resulted in Purplemoon being born! I now realise that wellbeing at work is a vital aspect of any workplace, and is a right of any employee. I want all individuals to excel, in an organisation or business.