Happy New (Academic) Year! 2024-25 is here!
Today is the start of the 2024-25 academic year for most in England and Wales. For all those entering a school or college it is an exciting and hopeful time. It is also anxiety and stress inducing.
Purplemoon Supervision is a safe space to explore all aspects of work, the joy and the heartache, the excitement and the anxiety. Working in schools can be the best job in the world and deeply satisfying. It can also be incredibly challenging and traumatic.
By bringing supervision into education, Jenny is at the forefront of work designed to enhance, empower and enable staff with positive emotional and mental wellbeing, so they cane the best they can be, and retain the joy and satisfaction of the work.
To have a 30 minute no obligation chat with Jenny about supervision, click on the picture which will take you to her Calendly portal.