Current offers
Jenny would be happy to support you
Does emotional health and resilience matter to you?
As we all journey through another year I will help you to maintain good emotional health, find ways to nourish your resilience and place wellbeing central to leadership. I will support you with dealing with barriers and bumps along your journey. I will empower you and your team/organisation to embed good emotional health into your work so that productivity is enhanced and job satisfaction rates are high.
Don’t forget I can also offer bespoke projects for both those in public organisations, third sector or private enterprises. I also offer bespoke payment plans for long term work, for any size organisations/businesses
Offer Code : 2024MyWellbeing
A bespoke offer of purpose, productivity and positivity 1:1 coaching. – a different way to explore how you do your work and why.
3x90 minutes for £325 (usual price £405)
Offer Code : 2024NourishingSeminar
120 minute seminar for up to 12 people- ‘building emotional capacity by feeding resilience!’-exploring what self care and emotional health looks in ‘real life’ for a team/organisation in 2024. Includes time for individual and group action planning for only £199 (usual price £250).
Offer Code : 2024OurWellbeing
5×90 minute group sessions of values based positivity coaching for a team in development or for an established leadership team (up to 6 people) Pay for 4, get one free. – total £500 (Cost spread over the 5 sessions or in one payment).
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01422 553055

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Halifax West Yorkshire England

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