What is Coaching?
The coaching that Purplemoon provides is built upon IC Leadership Coaching. This means Jenny works with individuals or small groups of staff to develop strategy, improve outcomes and procedures and enhance the critical thinking of the people involved. It can be utilised to support and develop effective performance management, foster good communication and leadership skills at all levels and engage staff in the development plan, vision and values of the setting.
Jenny has experienced coaching, from both sides, and has utilised it effectively as a senior leader in school leadership meetings, for performance management, for developing and embedding the school vision and in developing action plans and school development plans. Her experience at different levels and roles within school ensures that she has excellent knowledge of how schools work and what the realities, pressures and rewards of working in schools are.
The work might be with middle leaders to support and develop their action plans and projects, with senior leadership on whole school strategy, specific school improvement points, developing vision or improving culture within a setting. . Purplemoon works to a clear scaffold and will develop a statement of intent and outcomes for an organisation if required. Purplemoon will also develop a policy on coaching for an organisation, based on my outline, if required.
Cost can be per session, or a sequence of sessions built into a time frame for 1 person or a number of people.