What is Purplemoon CPD?
As part of the Purplemoon vision to ensure that wellbeing is at the heart of every education establishment for staff (and therefore all stakeholders) Jenny can deliver CPD sessions on different aspects of wellbeing, embedding wellbeing practices, role specific sessions (such as SENCOs) and wellbeing CPD for whole staff. The sessions are built with the audience in mind, and although central pillars are similar, they are bespoke to the organisation and/or role that is being represented from the participants.
It might be that you want to create a culture that is proactive in supporting menopausal and menstruating staff, so as not to lose some of your best and most experienced staff.
Or develop a coaching ethos across your school, and Purplemoon can deliver INSET or CPD on this, and deliver a presentation to a governing body or MAT board about what coaching is and how it can support school development and staff wellbeing.
Whatever the focus of the session, they are fully interactive, include up to date research and top tips from years of experience within the education sector and collaboration with a number of services and people, including Jenny being a registered and accredited deliverer of Henpicked Menopause in the Workplace training. .
the cost is reasonable, and always cost effective, dependent on the timing of the session, resources and the number of participants.