What is a Purplemoon wellbeing project?
Are you thinking you want a policy for wellbeing? Have you been tasked with ensuring the school can sign up for to the new Wellbeing Charter? Are you bamboozled by the number of books about wellbeing out there?
As part of the Purplemoon vision Jenny can work with a school or setting on a wellbeing project for staff that will ensure that when Jenny withdraws, the school has wellbeing at the heart of its work and knows what it is doing, how it is doing it and why it is doing it that way.
Every project is bespoke to the school and can last from one term to a year. The main task maybe establishing and empowering a wellbeing team, or to ensure effective processes and systems are in place that ensure wellbeing is at the heart of the culture of the school. It is built up from different components and tools, always starting with a truly anonymous staff survey and then including where necessary, CPD, coaching, supervision, audits, surveys, developing a wellbeing statement and ensuring that policies are fit for purpose. It can include presentations to governing bodies or trust boards and will always be built to suit the schools need and budget.