What do we offer to Businesses?

1:1 or Team Power Hours
The Purplemoon Power Hour is based on supervision practices as Jenny knows that effective supervision reduces stress and improves emotional and mental health.
The power hour it can be face to face or via Zoom and it can be a safe space to
- Investigate safely and with no judgement, a nagging issue of any kind
- Explore steps to resolve a conflict
- Look at a problem from a different perspective
- Discuss confidentially thoughts and feelings, before they overwhelm
- Realign values within the business and explore feelings about the culture
- Explore wellbeing and how to avoid burnout
- Investigate what stressors there are and how to mitigate them
- reduce bad habits and prioritise self-care
These can be booked in as and when required for individuals or for small teams.
Regular sessions stop pressures from building up and ensures continued alignment for your wellbeing.
So, you can purchase Business Wellbeing Boosters;
A bundle of 6 power hours to be used over a 12 month period.
Knowing you have wellbeing ‘check ups’ in the bank that can be used when you need them will also reduce stress and help you to maintain positive emotional and mental health throughout your work, so you are productive and happy in your role.
Purpose, Productivity, Positivity Coaching Package
Using Values Based Leadership Coaching and knowledge of Supervision techniques , Jenny can guide you through a different way to explore productivity and job satisfaction.
The 3P Coaching Package is a bundle of 3 sessions aimed specifically at business owners, sole traders, directors, small teams or start ups where you will work through
- Connecting purpose, ambition and values with strategy and culture
- Identifying blocks, issues and investigating how to remove or reposition them so that the positive culture and work ethics are maintained
- Exploring how individual wellbeing and job satisfaction drives productivity and productivity aligns with company purpose and values.
Why? Because knowing and articulating your purpose, ambition and values and connecting these to your strategy improves the culture and wellbeing of yourself and your team.
Exploring different perspectives and identifying barriers ensure you have methods to dismantle or go around these barriers, whilst maintaining wellbeing and positive cultures, and not suppressing your values.
Acknowledging and celebrating wellbeing within the workplace ensures great positivity and positivity drives productivity and job satisfaction.

Webinars, seminars and workshops
As part of the Purplemoon vision to ensure that wellbeing is at the heart of every establishment for staff (and therefore all stakeholders) Jenny can deliver seminars or workshops on different aspects of wellbeing, either embedding wellbeing practices, role specific sessions (such as team leaders) and wellbeing CPD for whole staff. The sessions are built with the audience in mind, and although central pillars are similar, they are bespoke to the organisation and/or role that is being represented from the participants.
Jenny is also able to offer seminars on Menopause and Menstruation. As a licensed by Henpicked Menopause in the workplace trainer, Jenny delivers one hour awareness sessions, two hour colleague sessions and two hour managers and leaders sessions on both menopause and menstruation. These sessions are inclusive, research and evidence based, and focus on what would make the workplace a great place for all, no matter what might be going on for them due to the menopause or menstruation.
Purplemoon Wellbeing Projects
Are you thinking you want a policy for wellbeing? Have you been tasked with ensuring the organisation has a Wellbeing Charter? Are you bamboozled by the number of books about wellbeing out there? As part of the Purplemoon vision Jenny can work with an organisation on a wellbeing project for staff that will ensure that when Jenny withdraws, the organisation has wellbeing at the heart of its work and knows what it is doing, how it is doing it and why it is doing it that way.
Every project is bespoke to the organisation and can last from one month to a year. It is built up from different components and tools to suit the organisations need and budget. It always starts from a truly anonymous whole staff survey, and may end with a policy, but will usually have a wellbeing statement, procedures and practices that will be embedded for all staff within the setting.